Sunday, November 16, 2008

You Are Getting Very Sleepy...

Katie will not stay asleep. She is waking up every hour or hour and a half. I keep doing all within my power to meet her needs, but she is not really getting into a deep sleep. At least it's during the day. On Tuesday night, she woke up every hour at night and in the early morning. I was miserable. It's a good thing my mom was still here. I begged her for a nap, and she obliged. Now, however, I'm adjusting to not being able to take a nap during the day, unless the stars are aligned, and I can get us all down for a nap at the same time. Let's just say that the stars were definitely NOT aligned yesterday, and I was draggin', baby. Katie was not with the program and did not understand that when I put Jenna down for a nap, that's her cue to fall asleep for 3 hours straight. :)

There's no reasoning with a newborn.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry. I feel your pain. I'm really sorry to hear that Katie is not sleeping for you. I know it can be a really hard thing to go on no sleep for weeks on end. There's a reason that sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture. It's terrible! I'll keep you and Katie in my prayers. Hope she lets you sleep soon.

Gina said...

I think that is also one of the "joys" of nursing a baby. They need to eat more often, and you are also her pacifier. Amy loved the closeness as well, and didn't sleep through the night until just before her 1st birthday. Fortunately, Lucy still napped, and I was able to get Amy into the afternoon nap routine around 4 or 5 months of age.

That's part of why it's formula for our Baby #3!


Ker said...

Word. Sleep is good.