Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Belated 1 Month Day, Katie!

Katie turned 1 month old yesterday! She is growing so fast. One thing I have noticed about her is that she really is so much more alert than Jenna was at that age. Katie notices people, and she realizes when you stand in front of her, move or make a face. She is quite social, I think. She likes to be around people. Jenna was completely oblivious to people until she was 4 or 5 months old - I was actually starting to worry that something was wrong, but then she finally started becoming more social. On the other hand, Katie has been alert and aware almost from birth. It's so interesting to see the differences (and similarities) between siblings.

She slept like this for hours yesterday

She has superhuman head and neck strength and has from birth; it's amazing


On the way to the store for the first time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her hair is so dark! I was wondering, how long does Katie stay awake during the day before she gets tired again? Does she take a pacifier? What is the longest chunk of sleep she will go for at night? Just wondering.

Ezra doesn't care for his pacifier. He stays awake for about an hour and then starts getting fussy to sleep. and he is only going 3 hours at night. ugh!!