Just kidding. Okay, for real now. Jenna had her first bath in the big bathtub today! Yay! She was exceptionally well behaved, as usual during bath time. I think she likes that it's something different. We only give her a bath about once a week (unless she has a massive blowout or something) because her skin gets really dry, but I may step it up to 2x per week pretty soon, especially now that she's eating solid foods and getting it all over herself sometimes. She had cradle cap, but we used a special shampoo named Mustela only 2 or 3 times, and it's almost all cleared up now. I really recommend it for cradle cap; it works great! That just reminded me of The Truman Show: "Who are you talking to?" (when his wife talks about a product a la Price is Right model).
Here are some bath pics. Future Blackmail, baby!
She was sucking on her hands and must have swallowed some water, because she started to choke a little and cough right before this pic...thus the red eyes:
I see it was a success!
the first of many (baths), i presume
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