Thursday, December 31, 2009


Yes, I know....I haven't posted in a long time. A LOT has gone on since last I posted. The big news is that we're expecting again. If you scroll down almost to the bottom of the page, there is a baby countdown widget that gives details and such. I'm 18 weeks along today, and the tentative due date is June 3rd. We have our big ultrasound scheduled for a week from today...yeah, I'll only be 19 weeks along, but that was when our schedule allowed it, and they should be able to tell the gender, unless he/she is excessively modest. However, I believe I had my big ultrasound with Katie at 19 weeks also, and that's when we found out she was a girl. No fears about modesty there!

I'm enjoying a raucous, fun-filled New Years Eve with the girls in bed, Braden at work and just good old me typing on the computer. WOOHOO, WORLD!!!! :) Haha, New Years Eve was never really that big of a deal to me, and I find that now with kids, it's even less so. Add to that Braden working, and I'm just chillaxing, about to settle down with a nice ebook of The Stand. Now you may ask yourself, is Stephen King the smartest choice of reading material when you're by yourself? Probably not. But I haven't got to the super scary parts I should be able to fall asleep...I hope... :)


Megan and Jeremy said...

Congrats on baby #3! Wow!!! Post about the gender as soon as you find out, I'll be pulling for BLUE this time ;-)

Ker said...

Sorry I'm such a slacker with this blog, Megan! We are having a boy! So excited. I love the little suits and church clothes for boys. :)